
by Kyzrati on , under

Cogmind 7DRL is freeware, but downloading the file below shows that you understand and agree to the following conditions:
  • Cogmind 7DRL is made available "as is" with no warranty of any kind, and its author cannot be held responsible for any damage to your system.
  • Cogmind 7DRL may NOT be redistributed over public channels; the latest version will always be available at The 7DRL version may be redistributed freely through private means (such as e-mail), provided all of its files remain unchanged. Any modified data files should be distributed separately.
See the included readme file for more information.

IMPORTANT: This prototype is years old now. A much improved commercial version is currently in development by Grid Sage Games. Check it out!

Cogmind 7DRL: Download
Current Version: 7DRL 2012 final
Platform: Windows
File Size: ~1.5 MB

You must have the latest runtime DLLs (msvcp100.dll, msvcr100.dll) to run the game. If Cogmind complains about DLL files, download and install the MSVC++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86). After clicking "Download" it will list multiple versions, and the one you need is "vcredist_x86.exe". (Also make sure the game is run with admin rights so that it can write to its own directory, otherwise it may crash.)

Additional  Resources

Pilcrow has designed Cogmind add-on files that provide new tilesets and alternative fonts to chose from, available in a wide selection of sizes. Check them out!

For Linux Users

The only VC++ runtime DLLs actually needed are those mentioned above. If you're using Wine and are unable to install the redistributable, you can download those two files from the web and put them in Wine's "windows/system32" directory to play. (Also make sure to unpack the archive using "unrar x" (not "unrar e") to preserve the directory structure.)

Old Versions

Original 7DRL 2012: For purists only, the original game created within 7 days is still available. The content is almost identical to the final version, but there are several interface bugs which may crash the game. Later fixes were mostly aimed at further streamlining UI control (for details, see the changelog included with the latest version).
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